Saturday, December 13, 2014

Death Valley

The place to go when it is cold in the mountains.

First stop was Furnace Creek. The whole trip was a bit of a tourist route, but we are tourist. The drive starts at the low point.

Then on to the Natural Bridge

But far more interesting is the Artist Drive

Zubrinski point was a little underwhelming, but Francesca was determined because of a movie she knew was filmed there.

I debated about the drive to Dante's view point. We are so glad we went.

The next day we went to the salt marsh to look at tiny fish. While there we help a handicapped French Canadian with his dead van.

Ubehebe was great and a nice hike around it.

Scotties Castle did not excite Francesca, but I took a pic

Just to make sure our ears would pop we went to see the oldest trees on the way home.